My brain is on overload. My body is on overload.  Do you feel like at times you could potentially pass out for a good week without waking up?  That's how I feel right now.

I'm feeling guilty for not giving enough time to my family.......I feel like I barely have time for myself let alone anything else.  It's a good thing to be occupied because it's keeping my mind off a lot of other things but I could potentially be overdoing it.  

This is a rundown of a day in my life right now.  I'm just picking a random day to give you a general idea of why you potentially may not be able to get a hold of me.

4:50 a.m. Wake up
6:00 a.m. FXB (must get my workout in)
7:00 a.m. Young Arena (run with Kyra)
8:00 a.m. Get ready for work at Farmers
9:00 - 5:00 work at Farmers
5:00 - go home let Buckley out
5:30 - 9pm - go to work at Lincoln Savings Bank
9:00 GO HOME and start OVER!!!!

I'm not asking people to feel sorry for me.  I need the extra money and I don't mind doing the work.  The simple fact is that I'm tired.  I'm extremely exhausted and don't have time to get back to everyone that I want during the day.  I do my best and that's all I can do.  

So for now, I'm going to break down my schedule for you.  Monday - Sunday.  Ready. Set. Go.

Monday: Work 9-5pm at Farmers; 5:30-9pm at LSB
Tuesday: Work 8-11am at LSB; 11:30-8pm at Farmers
Wednesday: Work 8-11am at LSB; 11:30-8pm at Farmers
Thursday: Work 9-5pm at Farmers; 5:30-9pm at LSB
Friday:  Work 9-5pm at Farmers
Saturday: Work 9-3pm at LSB
Sunday: OFF (usually have an hour or two of Tough Mudder training though)

Did you get all of that?!?!?  Not to mention the workouts that aren't even listed.  So to my friends and family that are not in town or are far away I apologize for not being able to see you as much right now or have time to have an hour conversation but just know that I love you and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can.  Patience.  

3/6/2013 11:41:35 am

You're doing what you have to do to make things happen for YOU. Not for anybody else. I don't think you should be appologizing for taking care of what YOU need and want for the first time in a really long time! Just do make sure you take the time to rest once in a while. Love you!

3/7/2013 01:59:43 am

Thank you Rachel! Resting is important yet I have no time. LOL Love you too!!!!


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